What is photovoltaic effect?
The effect due to which light energy is converted to electric
energy in certain semiconductor materials is known as photovoltaic effect.
This directly converts light energy to electricity without any intermediate
process. For demonstrating the photovoltaic effect let us assume a block
of silicon crystal. The upper portion of this block is doped with donor
impurities and lower portion is doped with accept or impurities. Hence the
concentration of free electrons is quite high in n – type region compared to
p-type region and concentration of hole is quite high in p-type region compared
to n-type region of the block. There will be a high concentration gradient of charge
carriers across the junction line of the block. Free electrons from
n-type region try to diffuse to p-type region and holes in p-type region try to
diffuse to n-type region in the crystal. This is because charge carriers by
nature always tend to diffuse from high concentration region to low
concentration region. Each free electron of n-type region while comes to the
p-type region due to diffusion, it leaves a positive donor ion behind it in the
n-type region.
p-n junction
This is because each of the free electron in n-type region is contributed by one neutral donor atom. Similarly when a hole is diffused from p-type region to n-type region, it leaves a negative accept or ion behind it in p-type region. Since each hole is contributed by one acceptor atom in p-type region. Both of these ions i.e. donor ions and acceptor ions are immobile and fixed at their position in crystal structure. It is needless to say that those free electrons of n-type region which are nearest to the p-type region first diffuse in the p-type region consequently create a layer of positive immobile donor ions in the n-type region adjacent to the junction.
Similarly those
free holes of p-type region which are nearest to the n-type region first
diffuse in the n-type region consequently create a layer of negative immobile
acceptor ions in the p-type region adjacent to the junction. These positive and
negative ions concentration layer creates an electric field across
the junction which is directed from positive to negative that in from n-type
side to p-type side. Now due to presence of this electric field charge carriers
in the crystal experience a force to drift according to the direction of this
electric field. As we know the positive charge always drift in the direction of
electric field hence the positively charged holes (if any) in n-type region now
drift to the p-side of the junction.
On the other hand, negatively charged electrons in p-type region
(if any) drift to n-region as negative charge always drift opposite to the direction
of electric field. Across a p-n junction diffusion and drift of
charge carriers continues. Diffusion of charge carriers creates and increases
the thickness of the potential barrier across the junction and drift of the
charge carriers reduces the thickness of the barrier. In normal thermal
equilibrium condition and in absence of any external force, the diffusion of
charge carrier is equal and opposite of drift of charge carriers hence the
thickness of potential barrier remains fixed. Now the
n-type surface of the silicon crystal block is exposed to the sunlight. Some of
the photons are absorbed by the silicon block. Some of the absorbed photon will
have energy greater than the energy gap between valence and conduction band of
valence electrons of the silicon atoms. Hence, some of the valence electrons in
the covalent bond will be excited and jump out from the bond leaving behind a
hole in the bond. In this way electron-hole pairs are generated in the crystal
due to incident light. The holes of these light generated electron-hole pairs
in the n-type side have enough probability of recombination with enormous
electrons (majority carriers). Hence, solar cell is so designed, that the
light- generated electrons or holes will not get enough chances to recombine
with majority carriers.
The semiconductor
(silicon) is so doped that the p-n junction forms in very close vicinity of
exposed surface of the cell. If an electron hole pair is created within one
minority carrier diffusion length, of the junction, the electrons of
electron-hole pair will drift toward n-type region and hole of the pair will
swept to p region due to in influence of electric field of the junction and
hence on the average, it will contribute to current flow in an external
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